5 Simple Christmas Traditions for 2020

The year of 2020 has certainly been one like none other. And in true 2020 fashion, your Christmas may need to look a bit different as well. I wanted to drop some of our favorite simple traditions here so that you and your family could choose to adopt them as your own this year. I believe simple is KEY this year.

#1 – Christmas Light Drive – Sure, many people already do this each year but I believe of all the years, if you haven’t done it, this is the year to make it happen! So many people who don’t normally put up lights or who wait to do so have already put them up and they have gone all out with their displays! Our family has the tradition of making hot chocolate and popping popcorn or making a fun trail mix beforehand and taking them along on our ride.

#2 – Bake Cookies on the First Snow Day – Depending on where you live, you may or may not have already had your first snow of the season. Literally, as I write this post, we are in the middle of our first snow and expecting about a foot! Years ago, I made it a tradition to always bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies during our first snowfall. Simple, right!?!? And if it already snowed where you are, that’s okay. Bake them next time it snows and go with it! A memory your kids are sure to remember. (And believe me, they will remember if you forget to make those cookies as soon as they see a snowflake! Ask me how I know…)

#3 – Christmas Countdown – Create a paper chain countdown out of construction paper. Inside of each chain link, write something you will do that day as you lead up to Christmas. Some ideas might be bake cookies, decorate the Christmas tree, watch a Christmas movie, wrap gifts, go look at lights, read a fun Christmas story, bake for neighbors, go shopping for a family in need, etc. The ideas are endless!

#4 – Christmas Books – One tradition we started just last year was to wrap up 12 Christmas books for the 12 days of Christmas leading up to December 25. I had some Christmas books in the house already but I wanted some new ones so I reserved a bunch at the library and wrapped them all up. If your library is closed, ask friends to trade books between you so that you can each switch it up. Every child loves opening up gifts no matter what they are so this one was a hit in our house! We will certainly be taking part in this tradition again this year.

#5 – The Great Christmas Heist – Okay, this one isn’t as “simple” but it is one of our favorites and it might be a great tradition to add this year to bring some excitement to your 2020 Christmas season. We have done this one for years and it never gets old. After we put the kids to bed as usual (this night it might be best to make sure they go to bed early or on time at least), we wait just a few minutes and then we run into their bedrooms to get them out of bed. (I know, you already think this is a terrible idea…who gets their kids out of bed after getting them down?!?! Stay with me!) When we “wake them up”, we let them pick a name of their sibling and then we take them Christmas shopping! We usually simply head to Walmart, the Dollar Store or Five Below. YES, in their pajamas! We usually stop to grab some munchkins or a candy bar on the way to the store or to add to the fun of the evening. Then we split up in the store the best we can and help them shop for their siblings. It’s so fun watching them sneak around the store not letting the others see the gift they found. This is one of may favorite traditions and the KIDS LOVE IT! Some years we have switched it up and woke them up to watch a movie or to have a wrap party. More recently, our oldest has been involved with the “wake up” because he doesn’t go to bed so early anymore so that has added a new element of fun for us! This one takes a little more planning but it is SO. WORTH. IT. I can promise you, this will become one of your kids favorite 2020 memories!

I hope these ideas help you this Christmas season! What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? And how are you keeping it simple this year? Please share the in the comments!

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